Thursday, January 17, 2008


I skied Waterville yesterday with Mike Baier and his friend Missy. Conditions were beautiful, no lines, and the park was a blast.

Last night I joined LinkedIn, a professional networking site, to help bolster my connections to people in my industry. I was surprised to find a LOT of people I've worked/studied under on here. Thanks much to Will at Brontes for linking me in!

Money is still painfully tight right now. With each day my bank account tightens like a noose around my neck. Rent was due yesterday, and I post-dated the check to when I get paid... never done that before, but my landlord said it was okay. I need to really start selling my unneeded books from college.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I hear you about finances being tight. Grad school doesn't pay much, but it's better than nothing. If you don't already track your finances, I've just discovered (free) which seems to do well for itself.

Do you have the ability to invite people to LinkedIn? If so, can you send me an invite please?