Ashley is back after a week in San Diego spent with family and friends. I picked her up at Logan yesterday and there was definitely a bit of nostalgia for our long-distance days. I love the energy at the airport, it's addictive. Hopefully, April 19th will come quickly, and I'll finally be able to sit on the same plane as my girl.
Spring needs to hurry the hell up and start putting buds on the trees. I need it, the warmth, the beach sand piling up in my car. I miss wearing sandals every day. I miss surfing. Any excuse to get outside. With any luck, I'll be capping off the season with a bit of spring skiing in March.

Today I finally bought the album The Fall by On the Surface. It's been so long since I've seen Heather, Anthony and Matt. I'm still bummed that I somehow missed their last show at the Middle East Downstairs. Their music has gotten so damn good since Freshman year!
"Everyone leaves their own path.
Everyone leaves their tracks in the ground.
So look back and step by step - by step - by step - by step we are found.
Every road has it's contour.
Every hill seeming too steep to climb.
And the paths around the hills are long and narrow
spinning they wind me 'round
You were the flatlands, but I saw you standing on mountains.
I feared farewell, but I have found I'm alone in my lines.
Alone in my lies.
And the stones that held the foundation have cracked and weathered with time.
As the storm it raged and crashed and struck with mighty lightning that shined.
So the darkness became my armor defended by shadows and thieves.
With each silent step by step - by step - by step I hid in the ripened tree.
You were the flatlands, but I saw you standing on mountains.
I feared farewell but I have found I'm alone in my lines.
I am the dryland,
let your river flow into my land.
We can't say hello again without goodbye, but all in good time.
We can't say hello again without goodbye, but all in good time."
-On the Surface
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