Thursday, March 27, 2008

Taking a page out of John Lennon's book with respect to current politics

The passed couple weeks have been noteworthy. I finally got a haircut after a good year or so of following John Lennon's advice, "Stay in bed, and grow your hair." Though I haven't been staying in bed so much as I've been growing my hair. Anyway, the weather is getting a little nicer, and surf is calling my name. The water is still about 38F, but I'm counting on global warming to help out a bit.

The daily grind has been going well. Of course, I'm learning a lot at work every day. I finally got my first paycheck last week, so that was exciting as well. Every day I read the paper on the way into Cambridge. Of all the changes going on in my life, I feel like this has had the greatest affect on me. Never in my life have I taken any interest in politics. Now I'm on the edge of my seat every morning, dying to find out about what bullshit legislation our president is trying to get passed, or whether any more British soldiers have been caught dressed up as Iraqis trying to provoke conflict in Basra.

To be sure, the "war" in Iraq is a horrible circus. Every dollar we spend there is a dollar wasted by this country. In the past two days I've read over 10 articles regarding current state of our economy. I read these things and I feel like they're more than just a foreshadowing of events to come. Like the war in Iraq, I've been feeling like the credit crisis we're facing is deliberate, and falsely motivated. And what do I read in the paper this morning?! Bush (via Henry Paulson) is proposing the biggest regulatory overhaul to country’s financial system since the great depression. This will take even more power from the state and financial institutions and put it in the hands of the government. My take on this is that the administration is antsy to squeeze this bill through before Bush is punted from office, otherwise they would have waited until the economy hit rock bottom to put further pressure on the opposition. While it looks very unlikely that anything will come of this bill (at least before Bush is out of office), it's just another unnerving attempt to strip the rights away from the American people.

What is patriotism without the foundation this country was founded on?

Oh, by the way, apparently Bush bribed JP Morgan/Chase with $30 Billion from The Federal Reserve... read more and sign the PETITION TO IMPEACH here:

Today I contacted 10 "impeach bush" groups on Facebook with the hopes of getting this information out to their base of over 18,000 members.

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