Friday, December 28, 2007

Freedom is Fleeting

Hello freedom!

You taste nearly as sweet as I dreamt you would. Still, my thoughts are completely scattered right now. I'm having so much trouble focusing. I think it's because I know that I'm still not completely finished. I still need to finish one more web design contract and check off a million to-dos from my ever-growing list.

On the plus side, it turns out, I aced my last grad class this semester which gives me a 3.9 cumulative GPA for my graduate record. I'm stoked. Moreover, I talked to my co-worker Kerri today who offered to hook me up with a great recruiter. Everyone is being so helpful right now, I just hope the job I'm picturing in my head exists somewhere... somewhere on the north shore even.

Today I noticed that my checking account was overdrawn by $39. NOT good. Fortunately, I sold a graphics card on craigslist yesterday and picked up $50 cash for that first thing this morning. A trip to Market Basket for Corn flakes, bread, and honey served as a proper turning point into my newfound financial status: "broke." Next on the list, applying for deferment on my loans until such time as I am gainfully employed.

It's 3 o'clock now, and I'm kicking myself for not checking the surf report last night. Apparently Hampton was hitting perfectly today, and I'm absolutely dying to get in the water. Heck, I'm dying to just get out and exert some energy. This is the type of distraction that's keeping me from finishing this website. Maybe I'll hit the gym.

[edit: 3:18] I'm going to the gym.


Student Nurse said...

A 3.9 is incredible. As if earning your graduate degree wasn't a big enough accomplishment, you also managed to get an almost perfect score in your studies! Sounds like you've found your niche and that you will do very well.

Admin said...

"check off a million to-dos from my ever-growing list."

one thing that really helps me with this is prioritizing the to do list with just the BIG things that NEED to be done.