Thursday, July 3, 2008


Bizarre, though it may have been, the past week was truly excellent.  After helping Ashley move into her new abode this passed weekend, I noticed a clunking sound in my front right wheel well.  To make a week-long story short, the clunking turned out to be corroded and broken spring(s) somewhere in the suspension.  Luckily, the part was under warranty, but it took about 5 days to get everything looked at, figured out, dropped off at the dealer, and finally fixed (today).  What this has meant for me, is that I've been staying at my parents' house every night this week.  How weird and yet fun!

Each day has gone basically as follows:
1) Wake up at 6:20, maybe shower, put on old clothes.
2) Get a ride from my mom at 6:40 to Newburyport station for 6:55.
3) Arrive at work around 8:45.  Work for 8 hours.
4) Return home by 6:30/7:00, surf at The Wall or Jenness until 9:30.
5) Shower, do a crossword puzzle with my mom, go to sleep.

While the crossword puzzles have been a totally rad, albeit strange tradition, I must say that I am far more stoked to have surfed 5 out of the passed 6 days.  Moreover, I was further pleased to be accompanied on most occasions by Brother Chris or Bill Mosher.  Tonight all three of us were out there just eating up the low-to-high tide push after a massive thunderstorm passed us over at The Wall.  Last night, however, it was just me and the perfect sunset.  Nothing calms the soul like glassy, waist-high surf in the beautiful everglow of sunset at Hampton.

On the topic of surf, I'm also in the market for a short board.  I had arranged to meet with someone in Cambridge to look at their 6'6" Local Motion board, but he ended up selling it before I even got a chance to look at it in person.  Nevertheless, that's what I'm looking for: About 6'6" by ~20" wide with a "fat ass" squashtail as Ed tastefully put it... what can I say, I like me some ghetto booty.  Basically, a shorty designed for the small-mid sized surf in the North East.

Lastly, I'm feeling really good about the fact that I'm still drawing on the train pretty much every day.  Yes, almost all of the drawings have been surf inspired, but what I'm really into right now is just capturing the body in motion: Where the weight is distributed, what a particular pose looks like from different perspectives, especially distorted ones like a fisheye lens would produce.  What I've always liked about drawing is that it has always helped me to understand the world around me a little better.

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